Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Love Affairs

Just wanted to tell you about my latest love affair. Crinkly, sensuous, velvety, rippled, fragile, [w]holey, dare I say it, holy paper and show you a few photos of  of my love. And just for your information, not only did the paper enjoy its' bath, I put my thumb drive through the wash today and it works just fine.

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  1. Mmmmmm delicious! Enjoy the new-found love!

  2. Oh! I'm so enjoying being a voyeur to your [w]hole love affair...watery effects and all. Hmmm...should I have just admitted that? Could land me in a [w]hole heap of trouble! Ha!

  3. Wow Liz! I enjoy your love affairs! Thanks for sharing!

  4. intriguing - what is a thumb drive? Love the photos!

  5. Thanks Fiona, I am and i suspect there are a lot of folks out there with the same love. Mmmmn could you be one?

    Jennifer, it seems to me you were one of the ones that fist named the [w]Hole thing. Got to stop these puns, but I can't. Help.....

    Thanks Ralf, I'm enjoying it too.

    Thanks Denise

    and thanks Rosie, a thumb drive is that little tiny portable drive you attach to your USB port. I tend to loose them so was thrilled that it still works


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