Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cabin Fever

More from the dream, a very short story.

cabin fever, 24 x 38 in, ink and acrylic, 2014

Demeter's tears,  24 x 38 in, ink and acrylic, 2014

for Persephone, a bribe, a shawl against the cold, 38 x 24 in, ink and acrylic, 2014


  1. It is fascinating, watching your journey. You move forward, and yet take us back to old stories in delightfully evocative ways. I like 'For Persephone, a bribe, a shawl against the cold', because of how much it says in saying so little. And I very much like 'Cabin Fever' because it is so expressive of what you have shown us of your progress, and is just so powerful. Thank you.

    1. Olga, thank you! I am still surprised by what happens in the studio, I think I'm going one way and end up in an unexpected place. Sometime I wish it would leave me notes [guess these are my notes]

  2. Love Cabin Fever. That turquoise flash really makes it come alive.

    1. Thanks so much Connie, I love turquoise, so am always happy when it makes an appearance.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.