Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Feet up and contemplating

It's over for another year.  And while I love seeing family and friends I find Christmas exhausting, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Perhaps my favourite time is when it is all over, everyone has gone home, the house is still clean or as clean as it can be with Zoe, the fridge still jammed full with lovely bits that we have been given, and John and I put our feet up on the coffee table and contemplate which book out of the pile of goodies we received we will start to read. Bliss.
Feet up and contemplating which book.


  1. i am typing with a busted arm but reading
    the invisible embrace
    by my favorite..
    john o'donohue
    happy new year liz!!!!!

  2. Now that's an appealing scenario....enjoy!

  3. What a great shot and a great description of bliss! I'm with you there...

  4. I am about to enter the stage you are in, feeling exactly the same!
    I wish you a calm, restful, full of warmth and candle light end of year.

  5. A toast to putting your feet up! Well done.

  6. Thanks Susan, hope the arm is mending well, love the green it's wrapped in. Enjoy the O'Donohue. I'm starting with Conversations with David Hockney.

    Thanks Jan, I do to! Maybe if I click my heels I'll end up in the Emerald City.

    Thanks Jo, hope you time is as easy.

    Thanks Fiona, anytime you want to visit we can sit on the sofa, feet up and read. Though knowing me talking would probably be part.

    Anna, Thank-you so much and wishing you and yours all the very best for 2012.

    Thanks Rosie, I think we all need a bit of time out and with the weather I don't think I will stray far from the sofa and studio.

    Thanks Matt, and a toast to you for a wonderful new year.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.