Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I've Been Logging

Well that is a bit of an exaggeration, more like I was hauling brush, a lot of brush. In our ongoing drama with poplars we decided to have 15 cut down. They seem to have a natural affiliation for the pond so that every time we have a big wind storm more of them dive into the pond and let me tell you it's expensive getting them winched out. Friday the man came with 2 chain saws and by the end of the day the area near the pond looked like a war zone, so guess what we have spent the last few days doing. Rain is forecast and my body is grateful. Must say it has been a real pleasure to work in the woods again, the lichen are wearing their finest spring colors, the frogs are singing, and a couple more days should see that job finished.

view towards the logging,

View looking back at the house and studios, still lots to clean up

My impressive pile of brush

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