Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Space of Hours

Wet, cold, windy; find petal. Have breakfast, do messages, eat lunch. Read, snooze. Still wet cold, rainy; find same petal.

Rosa Therese Bugnet petal, 7.30am
Rosa Therese Bugnet petal, 6.30pm


  1. Beautiful post. I'm truly at a loss for words and so will just view the petal again and sigh.

  2. Hello Liz,
    I found your blog an website.
    Oh, how I love your beautiful, creative and artistic nature photography.
    Greetings from

  3. Thanks Jennifer and welcome Sigrid and thanks for the kind words. I am so lucky to live in the country , to be able to walk out the door and see and have this beauty surround me. And it fun to share it in this way.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.