Friday, June 15, 2012

Oriental Poppies

Really cool over night, so heavy dew in the morning, for which I am ever so grateful, especially when I went out and saw what age and dew had done to the pink poppies. While there are a few still to bloom, [I love the halo on the opening poppy] most are on there way out. Their petals a lovely semi transparent crepe paper. Dew and age make beauty.


  1. I keep coming back to this post. To that first photo of the unopened poppy with its bit of red peeping through and all those gossamer hairs shining in the light. What a exquisite photo that is.

    Oriental poppies are one my favorites and they grew in Virginia [where I used to live] quite nicely. I've yet to see any in Connecticut so thought it too cold here for them to survive. But if you can grow in up your way, then just maybe they'll grow here too. Thank you for the photo and the hope of poppies in my yard!

    1. Thanks so much Jennifer, hope you plant some. I have red, pink, white and orange in the garden,Love their triumphal moment of fame, don't like the empty space they leave in August, but couldn't bear to be without them.

  2. Left wordless in wonder...thank you

    1. Thank you Fiona, just how I felt when I saw them, so glad the photos invoke the same feeling.


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