Monday, June 11, 2012

A Bouquet of Peonies

Early morning dew on the peonies. I'm in love.


  1. I could barely wait to come on line and see your peonies open ...... and now I am lost for words. Almost! the flowers are exquisite but your photographs are what make the sighs come ...........
    just beautiful.

  2. The scent of peonies is wafting through cyberspace and out my computer screen. Then again, it could just be my imagination. Heavenly. Just heavenly.

  3. Thanks Susan, love your expression lost for words... almost. They are beauties and such a huge pleasure to walk about the garden early, taking photos, watching the light, smelling all the flowers. It's one of the thing I think about in winter, the sensuousness of the garden.

    Thanks Jennifer, it's a great fragrance isn't it, soft, light, lemony, peppery, I can't describe it.

    Thanks Eve, and I meant it , we can transplant some this fall to your garden.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.