Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Mad Rush

I'm up early on a mad dash to clean the house, set up the chairs in the studio, set the table and generally get ready for the arrival of the director, Cécile Gélinas, and curator, Sarah Boucher, from the Musée des beaux-Arts in Sherbrooke, who have very kindly agreed to visit the collection and select the chairs for the auction on May 5. We are so very grateful for the generosity of these art experts. All the chairs will be in the exhibition at Galerie chaise opening on April 21. If you're in the area please come. The chairs are wonderful. WOW is what we are hearing. And if you check out the Chair Projects blog [link here] you will find photos of the chairs, short bios of all the artists, links to their web sites and all the information about the project. Each day we add another chair. Off to clean, tidy and whatever....


  1. I'm sure it will be a great success - the chairs are marvellous and only wish I could see them in the real but will have to make do with the images for now - good luck with it all and Happy Easter

  2. Lots of WOWs from me too and all the best for the exhibit and auction!!!

  3. Just looked at the site! Oh my stars! I want a chair. I was surprised to read a note on one of my favorite author's blog, Louise Penny's that is, about her chair. Such fun.

    Have a great day!

  4. Hi Rosie, Anna and Jennifer, So glad you think the chairs are a WOW too. The artists have been terrific in their work and support of this project. And Jennifer, it's so great that Louise did a chair for the project.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.