Thursday, January 10, 2013

Experimenting With Paper

The intense velvet black of charcoal is so seductive and I have been experimenting with different papers to see which gives me the deepest black, and can take the amount of rubbing I do to the surface. Which papers won't "lift" when I remove the masking tape, or for that matter bleed. Trade offs with each, cold press has wonderful surface to grab the charcoal, but the tooth shows, Hot press is slippery but so smooth; my lovely Japanese papers are so delicate that I need to work more slowly. Here is one on Cranson; a good paper to practice on but it is not too fond of the masking tape.

House, 18 x 24, 2013


  1. I am really loving this series with the charcoal and the tape.

  2. Hi Liz I have been following your work for awhile and love it just want to say I am in love with Saunders Waterford 425 gsm H/P, it is the best paper I have ever used!

    1. Thanks for the paper info Mo Crow, Haven't found it over here yet but will check out a few more of my online art supply places.


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