Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Putting The Garden To Bed

It's that time of year and J. and I have been busy whipper-snippering and raking and mulching, and putting away stuff and slowly getting the garden ready for winter. I am always surprised by how much color there is left at this time of year. Shades of deep coral and rust, deep yellows and such green grass you might think you were in Ireland. It's a great time to see the bones or structure of the garden, seeing what shapes are beginning to work, what needs help, what pleases me and what needs to be moved. And I love how it looks with its' duvet of duck manure.
Top left, looking east to the studios, Standing in almost the same spot looking south
Middle left, standing beside the arch in the previous picture and looking north,  from the front path looking west,
Lower right,beside the arch [photo 2] looking west,  front path looking south


  1. These are beautiful views of one beautiful garden. A true labor getting this space ready for what is coming soon...lovely!

  2. Now THAT is a garden. How very beautiful and no doubt a constant joy to you.

  3. Hi Blue Sky, thanks so very much for your kind words. I resist putting the garden to bed every year, that or I'm ready to do it in August and have done with it.

    Thanks Jo, as you can tell I love it and although it is a lot of work, it is immensely rewarding. J. is wonderful about helping with the big jobs like this.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.