Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We are back to our usual routine of having breakfast outside watching the grass grow, the mountains in the distance, the clouds playing shape shifting games, and this morning the breeze tossing dandelion fluff about. I adore dandelions and have a huge admiration for the seed dispersal strategy; it's brilliant and beautiful. And next years crop should be magnificent.

such a beautiful structure, dandelion seed head, 2014

Laced with dew, dandelion seed head, 2014


  1. OMG!!! Absolutely stunning shots. Need to show my daughters as the humble dandelion is their favorite flower. Any chance of buying either of these shots?

    1. Thanks so much Jennifer, just let me know which images you are interested in via PM , there are more dandelion shots here that also might interest you.

  2. Your capture of these amazing 'weeds' renders me thoughtful. I love the distribution strategy, too, the tiny parachute of fluff which can transport the promise of new life dandelions far and wide!

    1. Love the parachute image Susan, the other morning it was raining parachutes, quite the sight!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.