Sunday, July 15, 2012

Watching Light

Spent most of yesterday afternoon reading murder mysteries on the sofa, occasionally looking up at the light on the wall. And at the shadows, and at the angles of the shadows, and at the patterns they created.
And dreaming.

Light on the wall and an old deacon's bench


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rosie, love this old bench, my Mum gave it to us for a wedding present. I had admired it for years, love it's elegant, simple shape and it comes in really handy when there are lots of people for dinner and not enough chairs.

  2. heart sings just looking at your photos. It's nice to know I'm in good company - thought I was the only one who did this. Do you there are more of us out there?

    1. Thanks Jennifer, I suspect it's one of the great secrets, lolling about reading. There seemed to be much more time for it when I was younger, but I am determined to re-learn that skill.

  3. Wonderful composition, minimized subjects with rich in context!

    1. Thanks trleex, I love playing with light and shadow, endless possibilities.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.