Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Very Happy New Year To You

Thanks so much everyone for a wonder filled year, for the meeting of new friends, for joining me on the journey, for making me use spell check, which you may have noticed but have been far to polite to mention that I sometimes forget to use it, for leaving comments, for making me laugh and think, for expanding my world in ways I never dreamed of, and especially a huge thanks for providing a place for my work. So here is a toast to you all, with all best wishes for 2016, and some of my favourite words that I have written around the kitchen window....

Deep peace of the running water to you,

Deep peace of the flowing air to you,

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you,

Deep peace of the shining stars to you,

Stars and moon pour their healing light on you,

Deep peace of the light of the world to you.

A Gaelic Blessing

Boat [for the New Year], oil on panel, 16 x 20 in, 2015

boat supported, oil on panel, 16 x 20 in, 2015


  1. Magnifique Liz. I am looking forward to working with you in the New Year. Your work is splendid.

    1. Thanks so much Brigite, me too I must say I love working with you, and I suspect we will do a lot of laughing and giggling!

  2. what a beautiful boat for navigating the New Year

    1. Thanks so much Mo Crow and Fairfarren to you to! [I love that word]


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.