Sunday, October 7, 2012


Pennants waving in the breeze or perhaps gaudy prayer flags, the sumac are in their glory now; breathtakingly wondrous on a dull overcast day.  Photos never seem to do them justice. From the hottest reds, tinged with magenta, through the orange spectrum, into yellow and exiting by way of chartreuse. They wave and shout, Happy Thanksgiving. And the deer say "Thank-you, you are delicious!" Which means there will be short stumps of trunks by next spring. However, sumac grows like a weed; even the years the deer have eaten them to the ground the trees recover to put on the show another year.

Sumac leaves waving in the breeze


  1. Interesting. Our whitetail deer don't eat our native sumac. The leaves eco dye beautifully, but you probably already knew that:) 🌻Laura

    1. These deer seem to eat anything and everything, mind you they do a lot of pruning for me....just perhaps not quite the shapes I would like!


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