Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Garden Light Studio Sale

When I started this blog back in the late summer I had no idea where it was going or where it would take me. One of the wonderful and unexpected things that happened was starting to use a grid to organize images and the other piece of serendipity is that it's become something I look forward to. A way of preparing myself for the studio. It's like playing scales. Working with the grid gave me the idea of making 25 small format works, 10 in x 10 in, that would be shown in the grid form but that each work had to be able to stand on it's own. I invite you to come and see the result. The studio will be open the weekend of December 11 and 12, from 10 am - 5 pm. If you need directions just email me [click on the link and it will even address your email] and I will send you a map. Hope to see you!

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