Tuesday, August 13, 2013


A few days ago I sensed where I was headed in the studio. A few hours later I realized I was lost, but I was having fun so kept going. The next morning I was still lost [kept on working though] ; the next morning was the same thing. So I think I'll go weed while images dance about in my head and see what tomorrow brings. Knowing me, I'll not be able wait until tomorrow, and will need see what happens in the studio later on today!

space 7b, 2013

space 7bf, 2013


  1. Very lovely and mysterious images Liz - feel a bit lost myself - August is a month I've never liked!

    1. Thanks Rosie, so glad someone feels the same way about August. The days are shorter, cool or cold nights and all the textures and colors in the garden have changed. Beautiful still but all the signs are there that we are moving towards fall. And I want to dig in my heels and say "Stop right here!"

  2. Love the ambiguous nature of these images - especially the bottom one. There's something going to happen here, perhaps ...

    1. Thanks Charlton, especially for the word ambiguity. Funny/odd how words can help help point a way through.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.