Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Up early, so easy to do when I don't want to miss any of the light and I want to get into the garden. It's heaven to be outside pruning away and planning. Really it's heaven just to be out there surrounded by soft growth and warm sun. And I want to be quilting away with color, [thanks Altoon for your blog that suggested it to me] patching them together, layering shapes. The computer is so wonderful for this kind of exploration. Try, like, save, don't like, throw out, take 2 you like, combine, hmm, maybe, save, go out to the garden, come in with fresh eyes and start again.

Quilting, 2013


  1. One thing i have discovered in this world of blog, is how much the seasons mean to people. In my corner of the world we note the seasons, but their transitions are gradual and blend into one another and perhaps because we don't have such massive contrasts between frozen winters and warm summers we acknowledge them rather than celebrate them. Or maybe that is just me. The contrast between your work and activity between seasons is stark to me and I am amazed at this wonderful transition to colour! Loving it and hoping it means Spring is here (or there)...

    1. For me this transition is huge Fiona and one of the things I most love about living here. Each season seems to demand and impose upon me such a different emotional and physic response. Moving into fall is always hard, like going into the cave, I can feel my body slow down and winter is definitely a very quiet and internal time. The land seems to do the same thing, it imposes upon one. As you can tell I adore spring with all it's promise.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.